Friday, August 1, 2008

It's Already Happening

Manny Ramirez hasn't been a Dodger for 24 hours and it is already happening. It happened with Mo Vaughn, it happened with Nomar and it happened with Pedro. Believe me it will happen with David Ortiz if he chooses to finish his career somewhere else. It is an ugly thing and it makes me sad to root for my hometown team because they do it to every superstar that decides they no longer want to wear a Sox uniform. The writers in this town are letting the dirt fly and they don't care where it lands.

Look I am not a Manny apologist but I also think some of the sports writers in this town are a joke. Read this article by Gerry Callahan,

Now can you answer me this, if this incident with the Cancer Patients happened in Spring Training why wait until the day they ship Manny out of town to report on it? If you have such strong convictions about what a bad human being Manny is why wait to let the world know. Why didn't that story come out the day Callahan found out about it. I am sure he has known about this for some time now and he has sat on it. It makes him look like an even more bitter and angry human being than he already is.

I would call Gerry's very popular morning show on WEEI to argue my point but if you are familiar with it you know he will hang up on me the second I disagree with him.

More and more stuff like this is going to come out over the next few weeks. Things that will make it seem like Manny is the Anti-Christ and he is going to lead an army of the dead at an attempt at world domination.

Was Manny a good guy? Probably not. Did he take days off and play for the love of money and not the game. More than likely. But for once can the writers in this town take the high road and just say good-bye.

Who am I kidding, I can't wait for the day Kevin Youkalis decides to leave town and we start to hear about how he likes to drink. What if Josh Beckett goes away, will it come out that his bowling events are a sham. He uses them to hide the fact that he kicks dogs and punches old women.

Callahan's not the only one but he is the first of what will be many. Get over guys, don't you have better things to do? After all Jason Varitek is a free agent and probably won't re-sign don't you think you should be checking with his neighbors about whether or not he picks up after his dog takes a dump?

1 comment:

Jarred Alexandrov said...

It’s the writers job to point this stuff out because people want to read it and because it is true. Of all the players Manny and Nomar deserve it. They quit on the team, there is no excuse for that. I don’t remember the red sox and writers doing this to pedro as much as everyone thinks they remember. All they did was say that he wasn’t worth the risk of 4 years because of his injury history, and they were right but he never quit on the team so people didn’t buy into it. It didn’t work with Mo either, everyone still loves Mo because he was a team player, they blame the red sox for letting him go. I think you are overblowing this just based on gerry’s article. it wont happen with Youk and Beckett because they are great competitors and the fans wont buy into it even if the writers or the team try to sling mud at them. I love manny, he is my favorite position player of all time to watch because he was the greatest natural hitter I got to see in my lifetime, but the facts are the facts, he was fucked up and shit on our team and it deserves to be pointed out.