I was sitting at Fenway Park last night taking it all in: The smell of stale beer, the over priced food, the really drunk guy throwing up in the stair well who told the cops he wasn't drunk it was the heat that was doing it to him. As I am sitting there it suddenly hit me, I am at the world's largest Frat House.
Welcome to Alpha Omega Fenway!
They were all there last night: Bluto, Otter, Boone, Flounder, Pinto and D-Day. Delta House was out in full force last night on Yawkey Way.
Now there are 4 things that every Frat House has and Alpha Omega Fenway gets a passing grade on all of them!
1. Sticky Floors - I got up from my seat last night and literally left my shoe behind. No joke it came right off. I am sure if you listen you can hear your shoe sticking to the ground every time you step. I tried but it was drowned out by a...
2. Drunken Sing-A-Long - I use to love the song "Sweet Caroline" it was one of those songs that if you heard in the car you could sing along to. It made me think of one of the most underrated movies of all-time, "Beautiful Girls." Now all I think of is the idiot in front of me swinging his hands back forth as he stands singing and I try to avoid the beer flying out of his cup. Every Frat party I have been to also has this moment at some point during the night. It is usually done to Dave Matthews though not Neil Diamond.... Needless to say both have performed at Alpha Omega Fenway the past two Summers
3. Girls thinking a guy is good looking only because he is in the Frat - Come on ladies, Dustin Pedroia? Really? If he didn't have a room at Second Base at Alpha Omega Fenway would you even look twice at this guy. He's barely 5'8", he's balding (severely I might add) and he has the body of a 6th grader. If you like him you will love the guy that delivered my pizza the other night.
4. Stupid Rituals - Frat houses usually have some kind of wacky ritual that goes on. You get paddled or they make you dress up in women's clothing or the ever popular elephant walk. The ritual at Alpha Omega Fenway is possibly the most annoying, idiotic and pointless ritual in all of sports... The Wave. There is nothing dumber than the wave. How is this suppose to get Mike Lowell pumped up for an eight inning at bat against K-Rod? Will someone explain why this is still around and why is it only done at Alpha Omega Fenway? You never see it at Gillette Stadium or in the Garden. Also why is it always some really drunk, fat, shirtless guy starting it? I dread the wave almost as much as I dread the words "Mr. Knochel it is time for your prostate exam."
As I left Alpha Omega Fenway last night it even looked like the outside of a Frat Party. People were stumbling everywhere, someone was sitting on a curb with their head between their knees, the cops were harassing some drunk underage kid.
I thought to myself what I use to everytime I left Frat Row in college, God I can't wait to do this again... TOGA, TOGA, TOGA!!!!
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